Deep experience building Fortune 500 brands with a focus on tech and B2B.
The Ask Cisco thought it was time to come out of the wiring closet. It was the dawn of the social media age and we convinced Cisco to claim credit for powering the network that was about to power everything. Thus was born the Human Network campaign. Global in ambition and scale. A stake in the ground for Silicon Valley bellweather that was often left out of the larger conversation.
The Solve Can a network be human? It can inspire, protect, connect just like we do. Bringing people and their ideas together is what a network is all about. As creative director and writer, I built and launched Cisco’s Human Network campaign that ran globally for six years. By bringing Cisco out of the IT closet, we were able to make the brand relevant in the age of social media and e-commerce. Here are just a few examples from the campaign.
The Ask After inventing the phablet, competitors started to flood the market with imitations. To reclaim their place, we needed to show what makes The Note different, namely its stylus.
The Solve We reached out to creatives, athletes, and outliers to amplify the brand and show that innovation knows no bounds to create Owner Stories. By harnessing the power of the stylus, users could unlock endless possibilities and redefine what it means to create, communicate, and connect.
The Work We amplified Samsung at the Austin City Limits festival with a collaborative art wall featuring Saber and Apexer working alongside Samsung Owners as they created on their Note devices.
For "Table For Six," we went to Chicago for Lollapalooza to find young creatives to happened to be Samsung Owners. We created videos for each and then brought them together for brunch, and the company included chefs, designers, and dancers, and artists.
The Ask How do you promote a wonderful country with a serious image problem and attract both business investment and tourism? And target European countries?
The Solve A campaign based on facts and figures, not assumptions and anecdotes. We discovered the real Mexico, the Mexico of today, powered by business, food culture, and sustainable tourism. Through the process, and through many trips to Mexico City, we became believers of this amazing nation.
The Ask Creating technology for its own sake isn’t enough. It must have a purpose—improving people’s lives. Whether by streamlining processes or solving challenges, technology should address real-world needs and create positive change.
The Solve We crafted a manifesto video to reflect this belief, outlining our commitment to developing technology with a clear purpose: to improve lives, solve real-world problems, and drive meaningful progress.
The Ask Outstanding women are changing life sciences but there are not enough of them. A coalition of life science companies asked us to create messaging and creative around the need for more young women to join the cause.
The Solve A bit of research showed that women were far behind their male counterparts in the industry. Since our audience was scientists and scientists-to-be, we stuck with the facts and created the "Change The Stats" video, to help boost recruitment for women in life sciences.
The Ask What do you do with a brand living in a world where girls are more inclined towards TikTok and gaming rather than hands-on toys.
The Solve A groundbreaking campaign focused on building character that raised brand awareness with a video that garnered over 13 million YouTube views.
The Ask Create a pandemic time capsule for future generations in California.
The Solve A short documentary showcasing diverse perspectives, from the marginalized to those with privilege, to shed light on Covid's impact and the state's leading recovery efforts.
The Process We knew going into this that casting would be central. Instead of going to a casting director, we chose to tap into our own personal networks. Many were hesitant, but we kept on digging, even diving into Facebook to find unique, authentic people whose stories would shine a light on the far reaches of the pandemic. People whose stories had to be seen to be believed. We all lived through the crisis, but the effects of COVID-19 hit others in ways beyond imagination.